Separate names with a comma.
Whhhhaaaaatttt? Optima is not Optimum? (I learned that lesson after I dropped one into my one of my old pre-prius cars. According to the sales...
Engine treatment. Add it to fuel tank. Good stuff. Sea Foam Motor Treatment | Oil & Fuel Additive | For Gas & Diesel [IMG]
This is all I need to know about spiders. They bite. Bites can cause this: [IMG] I had one worse than this. Anything that bites, if it's in my...
Severe heartburn attack
if they make some progress on self-cleaning windshields, we won't even need washer fluid or wipers. Save another 9 or 10 pounds or so to make room...
Yup, remember it well. Was just being silly.
I was speaking more toward attempts to restore nature, or improve it, genetics possibly being a piece to that puzzle.
Where does Ethyl fit in?
just saw this article below. We need to be Careful with this genetics stuff, as well as our attempts to "restore" nature. We don't know enough to...
Can't wait, my retirement home is in the backwaters. one DSL provider, with spotty location specific access. Standard satellite providers don't...
I'm still waiting for Hot Wheels to make a Prius.
Is this the same as a Tweel or is this different? The video shows slow rolling over potholes, but how do these handle in a quick turn? Not that I...
Alternately, on a large yard, you can throw a generator on a cart and haul it out to the work site. You can have electric anywhere you want it....
You don't stand a chance. You're going to get dinged, no matter what you do. All you can do is reduce the risk. JB mentioned everything I do. I...
I don't care if it's a law, an ordinance, zoning, or a sticky note. I should be able to have native plants in my yard and not grass.
I remember round ones being more common. I had a '78 Dodge Aspen. I remember replacing those rounds one a few times. [IMG]
all those gas mowers cutting grass? Let native plants grow in your yard. The birds and bees like them better too.
I'm thinking the beatles song : I am the walrus. I am the egg man They are the egg men I am the walrus Goo goo g'joob But in my mind, combining...
My 1st Prius had 197,000 when it was totaled, so it brings the number of 200,000 milers down. Our two C's each had less than 100,000 when they...
You rhymed Prime with rhyme also! Hmmm, i wonder if thats a reason for no spare, prime rhymes with (tire) "slime"!