Separate names with a comma.
Whether one gets 2 MPGe or 1000 Mega MPGe is irrelevant, it is all theoretical folderall. What is relevant is your range that you get from the...
What is what? / Anybody can see.............IT is what.
Agree, totally. :D
Don't know what to suggest there, try a different dealer. I do not concern myself with the initial EV charge number. Mine varies between 10.2 and...
Yes,I agree, but EV does not seem to be as aggressive at regen as HV is plus you will still be using EV charge so the depletion will be a lot...
I believe you, because, I think you are driving in HV ECO, so you are not using your stored EV miles, but adding to it. Is my guess, correct ?...
I definitely believe that, about 35 Mpg better than my 05. Lifetime Average is now 86 mpg, last trip cons: 96 mpg. Last trip was about 40 miles...
I have doubts that this is actually happening. In my best case to date, I went from a EV charge of > 10 miles to a total driving range of 25...
I will let you know after my trip to Las Vegas, ( 600 miles ) Good to hear tho! :D
OK, I will take your word for it Pardox, possibly the terrain in my suburbia is too gentle plus the fact that any downhill or glide or roll to a...
My observation when driving in EV on CC, No regeneration, any clarification on that?
You can risk it in Seaside, there are no nails in the road.:D
Coming back from the hardware store last night, I accelerated hard from the stop light. That produced a 25 mpg bar,in EV mode. I did pull away...
The parts dep't, at my local Toyota tells me that the correct size of the doughnut is: T135/80R 16. From Firestone and Goodyear $200-300 plus. (...
Agree totally with ultra turtle, on my 05 I always used CC, as for other safety items, water, air pump,spare tire, phone, blankets, flashlight,...
Full range in miles, driving in EV/ECO was 25miles after a wall charge of 10.2 miles. After EV depletion car then went into HV.
I managed to turn a 10.2 EV Charge into 25 miles today.;)
Stranded in desert heat of 150 degrees F, prostrate, in a state of delirium, severely dehydrated.....One can see all sorts of fanciful things:(:(:(
I did pick up a doughnut spare for $35.00. Maybe tomorrow I will try it out around the block and see how it runs. I keep it behind the passenger...
I just finished a trip to Jackson Rancheria Casino from Citrus Hts, 51 miles each way. Did trip at speed limits and charged at both ends. Turned...