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Thanks, Michael!
Michael, What model years Matrix has the compatible 24mm bar? Want to ensure I get the right one. complain about "only" getting 42MPG. seriously consider running a red light because it's obvious no one's coming and you've got a...
As I'm sure you noticed the original sway bar was thin and easily bent, so required the dampner to keep it from hitting the axle. The TRD bar...
Michelin Destiny's, even the wife noticed the difference and normally I could re-upolster the interior and she wouldn't notice.
Petrolheads, hadn't heard that one before. This side of the pond we're gearheads.
Why not get the headrests you have reupolstered to match your interior?
Yea, got my letter yesterday. They can send me letters all they want, not having mine done.
I wrote to GM corporate about the transmission pressure solenoid in my Saturn L300, a well known high failure item on the 4T45E transmissions for...
There are no visible, external wires on mine. from the radio under the dash and inside the trim on the A pillar.
Before stiffening plate - Prius would get blown around by wind at the top of Coronado bay bridge and would "hunt" when driving on grooved concrete...
Mines glued to the upper left corner of the windshield. Works great there. I'd think there'd be noise from wind rush anywhere by the vents.
What you really need is a new shop. Adjusting strut attachment points and installing cam bolts is a bit of work so any shop that tells you they...
Doesn't look to my like Tanabe offers a 4 point for the Prius, all I see on the Tanabe site are 2 point braces for $98. I've got the chassis...
I did #2 with a Kenwood Excelon, believe it's a model 994, but that's off the top of my head. The main radio is disconnected and the aftermarket...
Cars with SKS can be stolen....Oh no what will I do, what will I do! Guess I'll just have to drive older cars with regular key fobs. Wait, those...
push the little button on the panel under the steering wheel. Your smartkey system has been turned off.
Very cool CBarr. Does the Scangauge say anything about battery status?
Josh, Are you saying the 24mm Corolla/Matrix front sway bar is a bolt on replacement for the Prius front sway bar? Thanks,
Drive the car in San Diego where the roads have grooves in the concrete and over the Coronado Bay bridge every day, 6 days a week. Prior to...