Separate names with a comma.
It's flooded lead acid not AGM I didn't even know that was available for this group size but apparently maybe it's another country
Well you fixed your head gasket so if that's fixed then that should be that I changed the whole engine that fixed the problem for about 5,000 mi...
Doesn't sit outside all the time? I'd be the only consideration for me If you have a garage for it Kentucky is pretty reasonable temperature not a...
That will work fine One of these days if you're ever in a junkyard or see one of these cars in a towing lot Just look back there and you'll see a...
Or just grab one out of another car It's actually you don't need the tube you need the fitting that goes on the end of the tube that is kind of...
You don't mention how long this storage is for The vehicle's going to be sitting in the direct Tucson sunlight during this time God sakes I hope...
I just throw everything in the number 10 what is it called a coffee can You know like Maxwell House it says on it but yeah that's what I thought...
Then you can see by looking at the manual the code and the subcode you have tells you you know whatever the stroke sensors not doing so if the...
I have the Toyota software I'm not sure about making the adjustment if this happens to my car I'll make sure I take my stroke sensor complete with...
Those rhino ramps could not break concrete if they wanted to on the best day of their lives they're plastic I dropped mine on the concrete on the...
And there's exactly two did they come in the head gasket set? Are you back together You would be squeezing the ever living goodness out of your...
That's what I was going to say fuel rail spacers and look exactly like that
Try looking on Etsy a lot of people on Etsy print 3D things for their vehicles from vases for their Volkswagen bugs to things that fit in...
You can gravity bleed these brake lines too. I've done it a couple of times. If your fluid looks good in your reservoir which generally they all...
Never seen that part out of the car look at the slotted holes that hold it on like an old automatic choke cover on a carburetor or a throttle...
When you lift the hood of the hybrid battery everything should be pretty obvious what's happening corrosion and possible orange plug on the...
Denso has a few videos on how to tell fakes.
It actually looks like you're one tooth off on the cam gear pull it back one tooth I do believe that's what I'm seeing If not then it's just the...
You're 12 volt battery can easily show 12 volts It just doesn't have anything behind the 12 volts If you were to short the battery terminals for...
I would do what chap is talking about and see if in fact the crankshaft pulley turns not that you can turn it with your hand with a socket on a...