Separate names with a comma.
Nope when I swapped out my 2ZZ engine which is what you're dealing with in your car to a Japanese model engine here in America like call it a JDM...
And use the original gold bolt and washers notice the cheap silver bolt supplied . Use the Toyoda original bolt n washers. Clear land for wSher...
You are using copper washers or copper colored washers in between the banjo I hope I don't even use a torque wrench for that I can't even imagine...
Taking the dash apart isn't a huge problem some plastic spluges Philips screwdriver things like that it goes pretty smoothly You can see some...
Well if you look at your second scan done you see in the red is the toe on the right side of the car in the front It's in the red It's zero and it...
Will your car ready Do you know what that means? If yes the minute you ready the car step on the gas did the engine just start No not the electric...
During this crazy noise is your air conditioner on inside of this vehicle or the defrost something running the air compressor that almost sounds...
I don't know. Have you looked at your car in the software how many keys does it have or has had etc ? I know in the Toyota software you can turn...
They do and it's with some algorithm on a computer that runs off 5 volts or something so there's always that a real test of a battery is to take...
Yeah doesn't your generation 3 clock spring have a little window in it that you rotate the mechanism round and round until the red line lines up...
Well if you get sucked into the Gen 3 and you wind up doing a head gasket or possibly two then you have also the hybrid battery at the age of the...
Just use the rhino ramps That's best for the Prius low to the ground business anyway they're made out of plastic they won't scratch your $10,000...
Generally with the air bubbles in the red business on the dash you don't get any codes but if you look at the freeze frame data and coolant temps...
You don't want the generation 3 with the 1.8 2ZZ engine or at least I don't those aren't keepers interiors are kind of shoddy they look nice just...
You don't say where you are your location with the car is a big influencer If you're in a no rust area Southeast United States middle of the state...
You've got it pretty good they're not much after 2010 is very well executed planned obsolescence Toyota and Chevrolet and these companies they...
I'm over in Central North Carolina they pop up on the marketplace and various and sundry places very regularly and there's a place down in Conyers...
I feel your pain something I have has those exact cup holders I'm trying to think of what it is and looking for the vehicle in the parking lot as...
First thing to do obviously is replace the AM2 fuse then turn on the car ready mode in park get out lift the hood put your hand on the inverter...
Usually in my car while the misfires are happening the check engine light will flash with the skip of the engine so I can look at the check engine...