Separate names with a comma.
The word is transaxle.
I would say 2010 with over 100,000 miles would be expected to burn some oil. It's up to the owner to either top it or neglect it and burn the engine.
I would love to see that evidence of "crap" rather than name calling. I personally like to think outside the box and I successfully used redline...
Yeah, it's getting worse and not hard to hear in city driving now, especially when turning. I'm thinking these must be the clicking CV joints that...
Yeah, I'm religious about it. I still do old fashioned local backups on (separate) hard drives. My kids trust cloud more though. It must be a...
I did just that. I installed slacko in the XP partition using lick loader. The way it works now is I have boot options with mint being default and...
last time i got to the top of pikes peak, there was a distinct smell of overheated automatic transmission. Fortunately, it was a rental (non-prius).
Success! I've got Mint up and running. Great, pleasant, and simple OS. I ran into issues with installing the KDE version of Mint (it crashed...
Surprisingly, part of that worked in Mint, except for the sudo vim part. That anabled me to resize the partition in mint's partition manager. But,...
yes. yes, but only with a "freebie." yes, but i saved a savesession file already and even when i start from live CD, it mounts the C: drive,...
[IMG] [IMG] I'm stumped. I ran checkdisk and rebooted twice as per gparted instructions. Still exclamation mark. Event viewer did show 1 bad...
There are some complications. The boot disk with gparted failed to boot. I thought i samehow broke the laptop but it failed to boot another good...
what kind of curbs do you have there in Montgomery? it must be the Alabama thing, because my kid damaged a wheel by curbing in Auburn.
i didn't know people were as cheap as myself. I make my disposable funnels from tops of soda bottles.
David, So far i ran Mint KDE from a live disc and really love the interface. minimalist, elegant, professional, and polished look. But less user...
you want to believe? how about seeing an honest mechanic.
David, thanks for the detailed write up. This is what I did so far. 1. Backed-up the hard drive with XP OS. Success! 2. Googled for puppy linux...
This is old scam. I received it a couple of years ago. Google and you'll find your answer.
thanks again! what browser do you use in linux? I'll make a switch from XP to linux (hopefully dual boot) as soon as do a backup first (i do those...
funny (if you watched black mirror). thanks for posting!