Separate names with a comma.
Television Engineer, ABC-TV Network Hollywood CA.! 35 years! :D
We have more of these signs than deer signs
Did you at least get to keep the deer? Venison steaks and burgers are great! BTW...If you get 3 more deer confirmed, you will be an ACE!:)
I know that after the 2nd movie came out one of my best friends drove out to get some milk, he was crossing Arlington at 31st here in LA and 2...
Here in cal you CAN NOT legally tint tail lights! Cal V C Section 24600 Taillamps Taillamps 24600. During darkness every motor vehicle which is...
I just said screw it, moved to Los Angeles. It's going to be sunny and 78° tomorrow! :)
You Bastards!
Just pull it out, clean it, lube it with some 3 in one oil. Reassemble. That should take care of the squeek!
-3 pts Sp Error, that should be "AWEFULL"
Oh, I don't know, just how much do you care about your life? Is it worth a couple of extra bucks, mine is! Ramps are safer! If they slide on the...
Here is a shot of my MFD showing WARP STEALTH going downhill st 68 MPH!! [IMG] No arrows at all!
Only in spelling Satellite!
If your fusebox is laid out like my Gen II V5, this pic of mine might help you. there are a number of fuse supply lines, just no destinations. I...
I am amazed that the Philippine military are not flying their helicopters to ferry in food and water. Or are they all destroyed.... I heard a sad...
So they do not hit oncoming drivers in the eye. This is a very defined cut-off. I this car were coming towards me at night, as bright as the...
If it's any condolence, yours is the first case of this condition I have ever seen on PC since I joined in '08! So it's not common! Let us know...
[IMG] As you can see the intake air vent can get really clogged with leaves and stuff! It ends up here, in you cabin tour filter.. [IMG]...
XM is same unit in both Gens! Theory of operation is the same for both Gens. You have an antenna / down converter issue. It adds up to it's gonna...
Geeze, I was going to bring that up! Smart move with the dash cam! I just purchased one myself and it goes in as soon as I machine a mount...
Lawyer NOW!!! You need to get fixed first. Having endured 5 spinal operations myself, 4 of them in the cervical area, you are in for some pain....