Separate names with a comma.
Just yesterday I had to replace my old Optima! It just gave out....about 5 years use! About a hour or so of light work, new battery in, Good to...
With a Gen II, you will need to upgrade to a Flasher relay for LEDS. This is discussed as well as a URL to purchase the correct Flasher in my 60...
Run the subwoofer amp power lines, both + & - directly to the battery! I have a BOSS BASS 800, it's been running fine for a couple of years now....
By 2200, most of us will be already DEAD! But we will probably have Flying Cars! Damn, I miss all the fun!
You want white for the back up lights, red for brake lights and the Amber are the turn signal. since you have a clear cover on the Gen II, like...
I would "Forget" to go back to that dealer and find one that is not run by people with memory problems!
CB is NOT Amateur Radio....... Get your tech license, simple simple simple!
I would upgrade that to WAY Cool!!!
You know, you actually got off easy. Kudos to the person who hit you! Grew a pair, manned up, or womanized in this case, and did the right thing....
Oh and don't forget, they should not be worn while driving, at least in California.. Woman fights ticket for driving with Google Glass
Great, your first Borg implant. Resistance is futile! Submit...:)
This is one of the reasons I do not go to Sears for auto needs! However, that being said you should have stood your ground and explained it to...
I wish I would have read your post before you wasted your money! All the vent tube is is a "Drip Mist" 90° connector. A bag of 5 is a buck, the...
The Optima is the proper battery for this car!
Apparently it's not that hard to stick a Diesel spout into NoLead filler hole!
Shows I have worked on, and you can figure out who "Starred" in them, General Hospital "The Luke and Laura Years", ABCNEWS, many Academy Awards,...
I am just a worker bee! Albeit a long lived one! :)
I started in 79. I was immediately assigned to "General Hospital" as Video & Transmission Maintenance Engineer. My job was to ensure that...
You have to be careful replacing speakers in the JBL system. The amp has built in crossovers and as mentioned the impedance Ω of the replacement...