Separate names with a comma.
The golden ratio:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I think we found your problem. Do a quick Google search 'Denso counterfeit'. There were even some instances in which dealerships, allegedly,...
Pics of the plugs? :):):)
Sticky hair gel.:LOL::LOL::LOL:
Double post, my bad.
Always start from the easiest solutions and work your way up. You've got a lot of room to work with until you need a new engine. You can't...
China, the great copier of the world. I learned my lesson several years ago when I got burned on a micro SD card from China. I vowed, never...
[ATTACH] Installed new speakers in all four doors. Paired with the fat mat sound deadening material, music never sounded better in the Pri....
Aftermarket. (y)(y)(y) The oems were almost double in price. Moog makes some pretty sweet end links and are reputable. The moogs also come...
I bet you do. :sneaky::sneaky::sneaky: Being as it may be anecdotal your opinion is still appreciated. I'm not sold on that particular theory....
@2k1Toaster Are you a plumber?
Yep...tick, tick, tick. Perhaps you're right and they strong armed the bend (not like Beckham). That doesn't explain the other two leaks with...
[ATTACH] Swapped out the front stabilizer end links. What a difference! She feels renewed.
The first failure happened on the hot side coming off the water heater. The PEX bent slightly into the wall and thru the wooden frame of the...
Looks like a faulty sensor or an unconnected one. BTW, that fan looks a little Dusty. I would clean it out since you are having related issues.
The joy of homeownership! I had to throw my old garbage disposal in the garbage last year. The motor burned out after many good years of use. A...
Song never ends!
One more time:whistle::whistle::whistle:
That's a great start, my man. It's unfortunate that our gens ICE (internal combustion engine) is not bulletproof. We were sold the Toyota name...