Separate names with a comma.
GC, can I get to your Tour de France party via Yorkshire Airlines? [media]
Rain-X on glass is really most effective on glass that has wind flowing over it. On non-windy glass the water will still bead but not be blown...
We either rely on the govt or we rely on on the individual...self reliance, or trust in others for all of our life events. Is it so wrong these...
I already have sensors to the rear. They're called mirrors. And what about simply LOOKING for things behind your car as you walk to it? These are...
Reminds me of this morning. HotRodGuy comes up on my tail at a light. We all turn left, with a bigtruck in the lead. I stay with the bigtruck in...
I've replaced the rubber bit, but by cutting a piece off a larger one and replacing the torn one. To get one that is larger I planned to take the...
Thank you. I mean no disrespect to (hardly) anyone, but it's hard to NOT read something that goes against your grain as a personal attack, I know....
Please don't take every comment that does not echo your own as a personal attack. Your experience is your own, as is mine, and we've come to them...
We've had a very windy week here, and I can say with confidence that the wind has blown me all over the road at a variety of speeds. I am not...
In the U.S. Toyota has a very good record for building cars that last and have few needs. I don't know how that reputation stands on your side of...
While the regular Prius has a CD of .25, the C has a .28. Would you think the CD of .28 with an increased height of .75" with a sunroof be...
I used to what-if myself to death. There's no way you can live your life worrying about .5% stuff. Keep your trash and plastic bags policed and...
Why would somebody else be driving your car? Can't you give them a safety briefing before you hand over the keys?
Yeah, about that relative viscosities thread... I thought that for just a moment we might hold a conversation away from the bleating of the...
"Be kind, be sincere, be tolerant of others." So why are you here stirring things up and not following the concept of the thread? Why are you...
Again, Dan, I'm not looking for your opinion. Please grasp that concept. Back it up with factual evidence of why your opinion is valid or it...
Easy Rider, thank you for your participation in this thread. You misunderstand it's purpose and direction, perhaps. That a forum thread is led...
Dan, you have added nothing. You've merely restated your opinion with nothing resembling an argument for it other than "the book says so." We're...
Dan, if you aren't going to add anything of substance, please leave. If all you are going to do is start arguments, you'll simply be reported and...
1) If that is the level someone is comfortable with, by all means stick to it. 2) Who's to say what the engineers came up with is what made it's...