Separate names with a comma.
But cruising along at 75 mph... the ICE is not being driven that hard. It's an otto cycle remember. For me that was one of the unexpected things...
Don't be fooled into thinking the PWR button gives any extra power - it does not. The PWR (and ECO) buttons are a mental game... nothing more,...
Hmmm, I'm going to give a dissenting opinion. Clearly I have no knowledge of the route you are discussing, but this is my experience: Cruise...
:eek: ^^^
I'll be honest, I haven't really been trying that hard for awhile. I drive it how I drive it, on the routes that I drive it and it gives me US...
Sigh... I mean really. I've always used your Fuelly score as a kind of goal, but I can't work with that. :eek: Glad to hear you've landed back...
Okay so I just learnt that the Australian 'c' has the brake fluid reservoir over on what is the driver's side for us, whereas the rest of the...
Of course there are a number of road safety ads around that illustrate the surprising differences in stopping distances starting from different...
I'm sorry but there's just no basis for that claim. This car can be driven at 80 mph and it's not "bad for it".
Well that's fine if you're saying you're making a personal choice... that's a bit different to your initial post. The Prius c has no problems at...
That second one always makes me wonder whenever I see it... there must be some preliminerary context that isn't shown. Given it's from a dash cam...
I wonder if this belongs to forum user Lya, see: My new C! | PriusChat
I've never put E10 in my c, always E0. This week I happened to take notice of the price difference - here E10 was 1.4% cheaper than E0. Yeah, no...
This research may be informative: Crash risk higher for black cars, Monash University
I generally leave ECO on because I use a/c for most of the year and in this circumstance it makes a HUGE difference to fuel economy with only...
I'm sorry to hijack a thread hijack, but I do have to say that all this Pinto talk just keeps reminding me of one of the most notorious television...
This paragraph also appears in the 2012 manual on the same page (152). In the Australian 2012 manual the equivalent page is 136 and what's...
I only drive at around 70 mph because our speed limits here are 110 km/h at best, but cruising at this speed is no issue for this car. It is not...
That's normal and intentional. Speedometer accuracy - reads faster than real mph? | PriusChat Odometer Error Constant At All Speeds | PriusChat...
The wording in the c manual is In general though I suspect the onus would be on Toyota Australia to prove that the warranty-related problem was...