Separate names with a comma.
Answered above. No reason to move the goal-posts. They already have been saving $35 a month + opportunity gain for at least five years before...
A little math out of you. Good start! But consider a realistic scenario: By five years the car payments are completed In that time 35*60 = $2100...
Obviously. And if you had a whit of personal finance acumen you would realize it is so.
Indeed, and specifically financial prudence. Since you cannot calculate (or use a calculator) to even know what amounts are in the range of...
Then stop throwing out advice or opinion, since you cannot calculate the numbers on which rational advice is based.
Calculate the additional interest the unlucky 1% will pay. Presume: 5 - 15% apr $1000 principle ($2000 saved after 5 years, another $1000 needed...
That is ~ $500 + labor for a lightly used one. Remember, we are talking rational people here. Was that a Prius ? I am waiting for your interest calc.
One or many, count the number of repairs reported here on PC that exceeded $3000 in cars with no more than 100k miles that would be covered by an...
I am not. Calculate the additional interest the unlucky 1% will pay. Presume: 5 - 15% apr $1000 principle ($2000 saved after 5 years, another...
Unlike spending $35 a month for the EW ? Grab a finance calculator and compare. Nothing wrong with eating $100 bills rather than apples either,...
Ahh.. a logic moment. Everything is not math, but I am only talking about the math. I thought I made that clear.
You are math challenged.
You pay some interest on a loan. Or, as I described earlier, you are in the over-extended, credit crippled class that has no business buying the...
BAD analogy. Don't confuse risk diffusion with horribly lopsided premium:return numbers Wrong. You put $35 into a rainy day account -- the money...
The discussion is never about 'happiness' so far as I am concerned. My only point is that it is a stupid money move if you value having more money...
Is the amount of money left in your pocket an opinion ? Or perhaps some prefer just prefer to pay more. Far be it from me to sway their opinions...
And I thought I was blunt.
Yes, I should have said hydrolysis rather than electrolysis specifically. Typo I presume ;)
That is factually correct, but she bought a higher trim model which accounts for the higher payment. I give her the benefit of the doubt that she...
No more technically established than any other fossil fuel cracking. Just cheaper, at least for now. As it stands, the only thing that will...