Separate names with a comma.
Do you have Nav on your 2010? If yes, you don't need any extra kits to do what you want.
There are two ways to connect via Bluetooth. You are using the wrong one. Connect the Bluetooth player route, not the phone route. ...
For comparison sake, here is one in Austin, TX: 2007 Toyota Prius with leather OBO Good luck on your negotiations! (find the stuff wrong with...
MikeDee, it depends on what you are hoping to accomplish from the upgrade. For me, it solved the issue of highway directional stability. If you do...
Used car finance rates are stupid - cheap, I'd suggest you up your budget to 15ish and get a Gen III. I bought a 2010 with 37k miles model 3 with...
I disagree. I have never heard anyone call Michelins a "budget" tire. Just because they were on sale doesn't mean they are cheap. I had the exact...
Perhaps you missed the post where I stated that my problem is solved. It was installing the Sway Bar that did the trick. I like my tires and...
I really wanted the summer version of this tire but Michelin talked me out of it. I've had very good luck on Michelins so they will always be my...
Energy Saver A/S
I do not know. SCH-I545 ?
I bought it on Amazon. I have Prime and it was 228 with free shipping. SCH-I545 ?
edthefox5 Another thread had the details. I think the side to side of the rear suspension due to road undulations and crosswinds caused the...
Car Compulsive, thank you for your suggestion. I followed your lead and damned if you ain't right! Problem Solved! You da man! Thanks again!
Rude person's, I may consider one in the future but I am not sure what it would do for me. I really like the way it tracks now so I'm almost afraid to...
[ATTACH][ATTACH] 2010 Prius Gen III Model 3 Here are the things I have done to make it perfect for me: 1: remove the stupid hubcaps and buy...
I have never heard of checking oil when engine is cold. ever. I learned to always check oil with a warm engine.
Very nice!
I am happy to report that after I installed the TRD Rear Sway Bar, my problem is solved! The car drives fantastic now. I suspect that the 150lbs I...
IT WORKED! I just test drove my Prius after the TRD Sway Bar install. It drives fantastic! Even in heavy crosswinds it tracked straight and never...
IT WORKED! My Prius drives fantastic now.