Separate names with a comma.
Are the following documents not acceptable? Check page 6-6 of the brake Toyota training document and page 5-11 of the chassis Toyota Training...
Edited post, .......because we are and have been having problems with accessing and posting to this supposedly new site. sigh... check my next...
Location: On top of the fuel tank Purpose: EVAP purge line (connects to the Purge flow switching valve)
According to what literature I can find, the unit is not exactly the brake control power supply unit as stated by Pat but the "power source...
On Lefat1 notes, the same jack might not go low enough. I'd measure the lowest distance you need. I have a 2 1/2 ton wheeled floor jack, the...
Super White in #2! Superb color choice. How many miles are on it thus far? I asked a dealer that question about new cars, he looked at me like...
What kind of bikes do you have, Palmie... Any of them 3 wheelers? ZC1
Sold!! To the good sense guy driving the Hummer. Here's the key fob. Okay, $2K over MSRP, I use my other car for transportation and eventually...
Beautiful car..... but could we look into resizing the signature picture? ZC1
Once the story hits Main Street USA (via CNN, MSNBC, USA Today, Wall Street, etc) every untenable irrational and faulty conclusion will be brought...
Referencing the high cost of conversion, it seems some people have some money to burn. ZC1
Again, the car puked another glass of water out the tailpipe while only moving the car 5 ft. It's the 2nd time to do this and I now have a...
Just what speed is considerably below? Below the legal speed minimum limit for the road? Seems to me, it's not the slower driver who is at...
What is your criterion for best? ZC1
Discussion with Darrelldd taken to PM. ZC1
You took the vehicle's graphic off. Then added a white computer graphic to the picture? ZC1
So you are saying no one in the good ol USA won't attempt the store at low charge thinking they can fill up while shopping? (this discussion has...
You made an assumption that's not warranted from the statement I made. Little do you know, I do want EV's to succeed, but I'm a bit realistic...
I agree with Chris, Ask for stuff, the worst they can say is NO, wait a minute,...the worst they can say is Get Lost. ZC1
To Chris, Chris, I find the questions, except #5 and possibly #4 a bit overly intrusive. It seems the next question is: "And Mr. Dealer, just...