Separate names with a comma.
And that one was in a rental car, not identified as to make or model as far as I can tell. ;)
I find I can lock the car by touching just the small ridges on the top of the door handles, or pressing the button on the hatch near the unlock...
Has anyone been able to determine if the stickers issued to dealers are counted as "issued" before or after the cars are actually delivered to...
Here' s my take on the numbers game, copied from my post in yet another thread on the subject of the HOV sticker: Looks like they took a batch of...
I tried to duplicate your situation with mine (2112 base) by stopping at the neighborhood mailbox just as you do. (I usually walk to get the...
Hmmm. The one I found was a Korean film about a saintly cop playing a robber in a police training film.
Not familiar with that movie, will look it up.
The number is on the sticker. You can use a piece of masking tape to make a guide line to get the sticker straight. Adjust the tape to where it...
The reference I made was to the son of the former VP, and the jurisdiction was Orange County, as he was on the San Diego (I-5) freeway in Laguna...
I read somewhere that cars sold in the USA have speed governors based on the OEM tires used. Not scientific, but back around 2007, Al Gore III...
Interesting, but what I'm referring to is having the plates on the car at time of delivery, which is how mine was done. For those anxious to get...
I believe the dealer has to send someone from the dealership in person to the DMV to pick up the plates rather than sending all of them in a batch...
+1 You might try getting a value on your car by taking it to a Toyota dealer and offering to sell it outright. (You can negotiate for a higher...
The only law I have heard of in California pertains to vehicles with a gross weight exceeding 10,000 lbs. This is apparently a CARB rule designed...
+1. I use the HOV lane mainly on the 405, and there are certainly spots where it moves as slow or slower as the regular lanes, such as in the...
Other threads have covered this problem. You are correct, and I have noticed the same thing driving different vehicles. If you are doing a...
I just thought of something else for you to try- have you used the pump-type handle on the side of the seat to raise or lower the seat a bit? It...
IIRC, the third year of roadside service was added in the first year of the PiP when there was a lot of squawking by customers about the lack of a...
I had this problem over twenty years ago with both a Cadillac and a Toyota T-100 pickup. I had each fitted with inflatable bladders similar to...