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The freak Spanish weather that devastated salad crops | Daily Mail Online
Climatologist Punxsutawney Phil has a successful prediction rate of 38 %. He has a higher level of certainty than NOAA at 30 %.
Scientists Criticize 'Hottest Year on Record' Claim as Hype | RealClearInvestigations "NOAA fixed the 2016 increase at 0.04 degrees...
They have a German website.I havent read the book but as far as I know they are merely presenting the studies of several Solar physicists.
I can guarantee you the temp has nothing to do with CO2 absorbing radiation. There has been no sunlight to be absorbed.
This is intriguing stuff and has me thinking .I wonder if I can deduce the cause of climate change . Mojos hypothesis on Solar forcing of...
Ken Lay the biggest thief on the planet,installed Swartzenegger as gov to back CO2 cap and trade.Nuff said to anyone with brains who isn't...
What this says to me is that it's proof that it was as at least as warm 5000 years ago as it is today. Pre 5000 was warmer than today and the...
Correction that should read 2015 Noah claim...
"Full" when referring to CA res means level is at the average for date.Reservoirs are never allowed at 100% capacity.