Separate names with a comma.
Every 4 weeks if the neighbor complains.
Every 3 weeks.
Yesterday a small stone hit my windshield right in the center of my line of vision. I was doing about 70 on the highway. It feels smooth, but...
The thick pillars on modern cars really do obstruct visibility. Could they be made thinner or even transparent? In making cars like strong cages,...
Of course the Prius isn't a gay car - it's bi.
The idea of speed limiters on trucks is excellent. It is also very good to ban them from the left lane as they do in New York. I also look...
First, don't believe a word a dealer, car salesman or any businessman, for that matter, says. Second, I like my solar roof on my 2010, but it is...
When I'm in the right lane I will always speed up or slow down if necessary in response to cars entering the highway, even though it is their...
Slow drivers in the left lane are a hazard.
I agree about the thick pillars and visibility. Several times they have blocked my view of a pedestrian in an intersection. You really have to...
I have to say that I love sat radio. All that music, much better quality than FM and no commercials. I paid $77 for the year, but it is worth much...
In Germany you get a ticket for running out of gas. I guess they consider it a tax on idiots.
Sounds like maybe you should go to "find another technician mode".
You know it's bad when Boston scores every time Vancouver gets a power play.
I see it takes Canadians to beat the Canadians at hockey.
Actually, my son is learning Mandarin at school. I wish I could learn it. I've been to China five times and it is a fascinating place.
Hope it goes into overtime.
I just hope tonight's game will be as close and good as the last. I hate one sided games. Vancouver - don't you dare collapse again.
No. The Tercel was an econobox. And a very good one.
Econobox? The Prius is an "out of the box" car, as in thinking.