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Re: Toyota doesn,t care about us Makes perfect sense as long as you have the $30 k in cash.
Agree. No matter how suddenly the driver ahead stops you are responsible if you hit him. You are expected to be in control of the car at all...
My wife took the New York State driving test in our 2005 Prius. The examiner was much more interested in the car than in her driving. She passed.
I can just see people doped up on Oxycontin, texting their friends and piloting a flying car at the same time.
I'm sure it would void any warranty.
The HOV lane on the Long Island Expressway often saves me 30 minutes a day on my 1 hour each way commute.
1. I would keep any car that is reliable at least 15 years. 2. The Prius is an excellent car, not just for gas mileage, but in terms of low...
I have the solar roof. You leave it closed on a hot day with the sliding shade closed. The solar panel is on the roof behind the moonroof and does...
Regarding the foot parking brake: I have no problem with it, but for those who do, how hard would it be to motorize it? It could just be applied...
Here's some pretty good 'honor student" bumper stickers: Honor Student... Bumper Stickers and Small Stickers
I would pay to avoid listening to Howard Stern.
My wife and son and I went to Mount Everest base camp from Lhasa in a Toyota Land Cruiser. It had an altimeter and we reached 17,500 feet. The...
According to quantum mechanics there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum. Particles like quarks come into and go out of existence spontaneously....
35 miles each way in very congested traffic. Sat radio makes it enjoyable.
I am not convinced it will happen, even on highways. So many things can, and do go wrong. Things fall off trucks. Cars breakdown and are stranded...
I will buy an electric car when I can drive from New York to Florida, charging the car at service centers along I-95 and at hotels and taking no...
I don't know anyone who hates Priuses, but then, I don't know any stupid people. On the other hand, I hate SUVs. (Stupid Useless Vehicles)
Where's Don Draper when you need him?
Only if they use the towers to connect while driving and texting.
If Target knows when my wife is pregnant, next time I will save money on the test and just ask them. Seems their pharmacy will lose out.