Separate names with a comma.
Serpentes Scatology
Time warp
No. Hope your tunes are fully functional now! After a fabulous vacation to Hilton Head (family visit) and the Florida Keys, the next poster is...
Similar so yes. (poor Hyo!) The next poster found out there were sea nettles about, and so settled for walking up and down the beach.
Raw fish, ick.
Cool. Pit tags? We (husband more than I) design habitat restoration, fish passage, diversion structures, etc. for the salmonids on the Columbia...
F8L, I agree with you, but replaced lamps which he claimed are halogens and not HID's (after saying they were HID's -- still...
Just three word back from dead (just answering question) :D
Back from dead
Program and Activity Manager for the government. Used to be a Civil Engineer.
Another defunct forum? (sorry bout your walk Hyo!)
Driving home at 11:00 last night in our 2007 and poof, no headlights. It was a long, nerve wracking trip. Oddly, the high beams worked, but not...
Half right, this poster is mad. Driving home from Shakespeare festival about 11:00 last night and the headlights didn't work on the Pri. See...
Youbetcha bygolly yeah! zzzzzzzzzzzz The next poster thanks the universe regularly for their good fortune in life.
If researching is pondering, yes indeedy. The next poster had a very nice clarinet stolen this week. :mad:
Not hardly, I don't think winter is ever going away. Lucky you! The next poster checked their hives and the girls are doing just fine, although...
Yes, but we did notice that despite the rain, gloom and cool temperatures, the grass turned green overnight, so our time is at hand. The next...
Say what?
Fools every day?