Separate names with a comma.
Actually, if it's only a couple of hundred dollar, as claimed, it may be worth it (at least on larger vehicles)! Even assuming that only 292...
Does that include the monitor required to display the backup image to the driver? I'd personally never go without the camera, especially for my...
I can't qualify with a larger down payment. The problem with HELOCs is that the interest rate is higher and my point is to reduce monthly...
Apparently banks at least like the option of offloading the loans to Fannie Mae, so qualification given their guidelines is a prerequisite to...
I think you guys are largely right. I can actually understand tightening lending requirements, but I think their criteria is obviously flawed. I...
So I noticed that mortgage rates are dipping to around 4%, which is about low enough for me to consider refinancing! I made some preliminary...
Best/Most Used/Favorite Apple Remote - Control iTunes/Apple TV. Stream music wirelessly to my kitchen using an Airport Express. iControl AV -...
Well, but my calculations, that's up to 31 kWh per month, which I would actually be excited about! My last months energy usage was about 450...
So I want to get a new furnace/air conditioner. Mine are about 30 years old and I figure the time is right with stimulus funds and tax credits....
So the stimulus funds are making their way to Colorado, and I figure there's no better time to invest in solar panels, since it's the only time...
I absolve my conscience by selling old gadgets on EBay. Apple gadgets in particular sometimes fetch about 90% of their original sales price a year...
So what does everyone think of the new Apple iPad? [media] Seems kind of cool to me. It looks like it would be an awesome video player and a...
Thanks all! Since new windows would have been about $3000, I think I'll back down for now after reading everyone's replies. I ended up getting...
I spend a lot of time in my basement and it gets very cold in the winter. Currently, I have three full-sized windows down there that feel...
I hope Toyota will have some sort of hybrid with third row seating + trunk space. Otherwise it's just a waste of space/mileage.
I've only had it a day, and already it's causing marital problems! Anybody else playing? It's freaky playing a battlefield shooter where you're...
So Apple recently left the US Chamber of Commerce in a dispute about climate change. Apple works hard to reduce their impact, while the CoC fought...
For future readers, I just blogged about how to easily get three kids in the back seat.