Separate names with a comma.
Cookie porn - no calories! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Is it time to give up yet?
Rocky and Bullwinkle
Well, we now know there's at least one thing in the Universe that daniel and Wildkow argree on:...
I heartily endorse both of those statements. The next poster likes peanut sauce.
Itchy and Scratchy
Movie 2: The Sequel.
The previous poster is confusing himself with other prius chatters.
Has Stev0 acquired a cloaking device?
Here are three recent books I've read that I greatly enjoyed: [IMG] Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Astrology to the...
We got the first rain of the season this past weekend. Unfortunately it went away and now it looks like it's going to be hot again later on this week.
My it mid-September already? Where did the year go?
all you can eat
That sneaky, sneaky Boo.