Separate names with a comma.
If nothing else, additional braces (where there none before, like the stb) provide additional structural members for different loading forces to...
Haha, just "once a week"? I drive perhaps 10 - 20 mi / day (not a lot), and there're probably 2 to 5+ times each day that I get pointedly passed...
Japanese on the front sticker just says: 951 540 ALHD Front Use Oval Shaft Type ZVW30 LHD (chassis, left hand drive) Strut Bar I recall the...
55,000 seems a more appropriate number.
I can read the kana. The upper left just says "Audio" and the center text on the screen just says "Motor" (right next to the little icon that...
Right. My tint is spec-ed to screen out something like 97% of near/mid IR though. Kinda thinking to actually stop by the manufacturer's office...
Wait. The pictures I've seen of the EBHs all have power cords with what look like normal 120v plugs, which I assumed needed to be plugged into...
Disconnecting my 12V for up to a few hours at a time when working on the car has resulted in my needing to reset things like the calendar and...
hashinji: The factory glass for all the windows states it screens 99% UV, at least on the 2014 Prius Plug-In Base model that we both drive. So at...
You can physically check the rear ones from inside the cabin by just removing the side floorboard segments and underlying floorboxes. This is...
When I was screening the rear vents (between the inner cabin and the airspace inside the rear bumper cover), there were flimsy little foam rubber...
Saw another green sticker today on what seemed to be a gen II.
Yeah, I got their quote at $650 for all sans ws, something like $930 - $950 for total. Ended up deciding on the Photosync instead.
Next time you pass them and they're flipping out, smile back and give 'em a great big thumbs up, like you're cheering them on. Whenever I retake...
Also keep in mind that California already has the highest state population in the country as well as the most vehicles on the road. I believe a...
I'm finding bluetooth cell calls while driving pretty indispensable.. :)
After slowly learning to recognize the subtle differences of the various generations and non-PiPs vs. PiPs, I realized the other day I was the...
I live in one of the major ricemobile capitals of the world. Yeah, the Civic may shift up to 3rd gear in a few seconds quite franticly, but I...
Maybe it's just me but that Prius V cargo pic looks fake...
I am curious how much mileage gains have been made by hypermiler modders on the C-Max. Wonder how it compares to the Prius in terms of being a...