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How long (miles/years) can we expect the 12 volt accessory battery to last? My 2011 is just over 4 years and 44K miles.
498.1 miles 10.578 gallons $2.359/gallon $24.99 total 47.08 calculated mpg * 49.3 computer mpg on tank. $0.0501/mile 48 mph avg. speed
478.8 miles 10.123 gallons $2.359/gallon $23.88 total 47.3 calculated mpg * 49.9 computer mpg on tank. $0.0498/mile 48 mph avg. speed *Over 400...
Not sure what you mean with the 2 tire comment. I replaced the original ep-20 tires a few months back at 41K. They were shot. Replaced with...
543.1 miles 10.725 gallons $2.259/gallon $24.23 total 50.64 calculated mpg 53.4 computer mpg on tank. $0.0446/mile 33 mph avg. speed
428.4 miles 9.940 gallons $2.219/gallon $22.06 total 43.1 calculated mpg 45.9 computer mpg on tank. $0.0515/mile 28 mph avg. speed
425.1 miles 10.021 gallons $2.159/gallon $21.54 total 42.42 calculated mpg 45.o computer mpg on tank. $0.0506/mile 35 mph avg. speed *lots of...
421.0 miles 9.748 gallons $2.159/gallon $21.05 total 43.18 calculated mpg 45.6 computer mpg on tank. $0.05/mile 29 mph avg. speed * cold. lots...
I don't stress over it, but I do keep track.
365.1 miles 8.661 gallons $1.959/gallon $1.97 total 42.15 calculated mpg 44.5 computer mpg on tank. $0.0464/mile 24 mph avg. speed * cold. lots...
Basically checking brakes, fluids, etc.
40K service done at 41,368. All OK. Did not rotate tires because they were replaced last month. Toyota filter & Mobile 1 0-20W.
401.6 miles 9.317 gallons $2.099/gallon $19.56 total 43.10 calculated mpg 45.5 computer mpg on tank. $0.0487/mile 23 mph avg. speed * cold. lots...
573.3 miles 11.074 gallons $2.779/gallon $30.77 total 49.13 calculated mpg 51.77 computer mpg on tank. $0.0536/mile 34 mph avg. speed Read more:...
I have put 11+ gallons in a couple of times when Ive squeezed 600 miles from a tank.
You cannot judge fuel economy by the results of one tank of gas. Plus, if you are making lots of short drives where it really doesn't get to...
449.1 miles 9.141 gallons $3.079/gallon $28.18 total 49.13 calculated mpg 51.1 computer mpg on tank. $0.0627/mile 42 mph avg. speed Read more:...
450.0 miles 8.616 gallons $3.089/gallon $26.61 total 52.23 calculated mpg 54.9 computer mpg on tank. $0.0591/mile 44 mph avg. speed Read more:...
438.3 miles 8.455 gallons $3.069/gallon $25.98 total 51.83 calculated mpg 54.4 computer mpg on tank. $0.0592/mile 40 mph avg. speed Read more:...
I can get 100 miles after flashing starts.