Separate names with a comma.
Tesla's own (from the mouth of Musk) stance has changed publicly. From fresh roses to withered weeds. Why didn't Musk share the 10-month...
As a connected car, Tesla's will be very expensive to maintain if Tesla fails. RichRebuilds is ramping up.
Lot's of buying opportunity. The stock is already down in pre-market by over 4 percent and still tanking. It's all about survival. Survival is...
I think Cook's expertise in supply chain and manufacturing. Tesla could use his help to lower cost/increase margins. And the marketing power of...
How about some specifications and test data, not stories pulled from press releases? I am skeptical.
Elon Musk < Tim Cook Consensus does not establish facts.
Mission accomplished. Off with their heads.
Agreed. Which is a matter of debate in terms of contribution. And not made true by consensus. What we need is a way to sequester and use the...
Chapter 11 is a reorganization, not a closure. Companies of all stripes, including solar and wind farm concerns, go bankrupt all the time as the...
Consensus is not science. Words like, "suggest" in the final paragraph of the online article are far too oblique to support the thesis that this...
Sigh ... and that, folks, is the nature of taxation. But back up for a quick minute. The tax is surrogate for gas taxes that serve as road use...
I was there, in Seattle when Amazon was born and occupied an outdated hospital overlooking the Rainier Valley and downtown Seattle. I also saw...
Good points. It's easy to see that this company is flying into the ground. My prediction is that the company will be sold off, or broken up....
Tesla on the edge, says EF Hutton.
It's not a new car. It is used. Price accordingly. Check used prices in your area. I would say $10K off is more likely where it should be. No...
Would ruin the fun.
Like most taxes, the rate is arbitrary. But based on the cost of electric cars, the higher rate targets the wealthy.
The car spends most of its time in the southern California and Arizona deserts. Per Indio Toyota service, the heat kills the batteries as they...
Depressing, but true. I have twice had to replace the 12 volt in my 2016. Both times the vehicle threw off a bunch of codes that went away once...
Getting a warranty is the easy part. Collecting on the warranty is not so easy. The Cardone warranty is defined by the parts seller. Pretty...