Separate names with a comma.
Hi guys - I'm leaving. It's been great sharing with you all for almost 7 years. Thanks for the company and advice. I might return - I'm sure a...
It potentially can - maybe - or maybe not. But it's something which is very difficult to definitively test. I've tried it - and couldn't notice...
Here in Australia ($AU) , I've been told $37613 drive-away for a mid-spec (FWD) in white after 2 price rises ($3k with updated model, $~500 on 1st...
Here in Australia on a 2016 - they have a plethora of approved grades - and depends on the location (but no 0-16) - but then Michigan gets colder...
No, sorry, don't know. BUT I's suspect that you're looking at either the improbable - or even impossible. These functions have things like that...
Yes - I think RAIN-X (or something similar??) makes something which is supposed to do that. Personally - I found it worked a little in a...
Standard practice is to drive with A/C on if it's fogging up. We lived in a high-humidity area where there was often fog outside - my first...
Maybe try a wrecking yard?
Yep - possibly - it seems my EGO (HeeHee) Mower comes with that as standard. My LI-ION battery died at 14 months. A mate who bought one before...
Didn't she say she's driven PRIUS for a long time?
(I think she said $1000??). But 90k range from charge isn't what I was thinking an EV would achieve.
Absolutely not good enough. If this display can't be trusted [ATTACH] That's like having a fuel gauge on a brand-new car indicating almost ½...
Yep - I think most trucks are like that. A friend was telling me "it just drives like a car" - pointing to her TwinCab (Isuzu??). Then took me...
Yep :eek::eek::eek::eek::cry::sick::sick::(:(:(:oops::oops::oops: . They'd be wise to avoid that name. Worst vehicle I ever drove. It changed...
OK - must be some score not on my car. I've no idea then.
We're obviously talking about something different - I think we've been discussing the "Acceleration/Coast/Brake eco scores" which show up when you...
Last time I looked at it - early this year, my daughter had driven me back from a medical appointment - only her 2nd time driving the PRIUS...
Yep - that's what I thought - till I saw that she/he said "I stop at a red light". It's only when you power <OFF> that it resets. I rarely...
Which score are you talking about - can you post a photo. Doesn't sound right.
Yep - I've never heard of a HSD costing anything - seem to last the life of the vehicle, even in TAXIs with huge kilometres. My brother has a VW...