Separate names with a comma.
Try Never used them, but they are often mentioned.
If anyone on this forum sees a scary video of a shaking Lexus steering wheel at startup now making its way on YouTube, et al, it came from the...
Re: Brake problem & Toyota Goodwill? My dealer sent out a nice email about all the recalls, and is doing this for anyone recalled: Free...
Apparently the push is on because I looked at 4 new Priuses that had just unloaded at my dealer, and they now have a green sticker on the rear...
Agreed it's not something I need "fixed" but I had a 2003 Mercedes E Class, delivered right as they were introduced, and for the next 3 years,...
It may well be how much clearance there is around the pedal--more height and less close to the center tunnel, perhaps. Gen 3 looks pretty clear in...
Not in the US--they don't trust us to adjust them easily.
The OP stated he used up the original factory fill--so we really don't know what it was.
A poster on another thread had something similar, described there as rough engine start, and the dealer told him it was MG1 searching for...
FYI. Mine does not do that, and that's my normal practice.
I bought a different make from a dealer who mailed nearly everything afterward, when they prepared the title info for DMV. Just ask.
The OP stated in a subsequent post that the factory fluid ran out in August and he put WalMart fluid in. Not a factory issue.
It might be just undercoating applied at the port or dealer, although that's normally burnt off hot surfaces in the first miles. If you've had it...
Agreed but if he wants "wet and glossy" look I'm afraid he'll be disappointed. 303 for sheen and protection, which is what I want, but it's not...
I've used regular Rain-X for years and I assume a cleaner with it will perform similarly, and I basically no longer need to use wipers. I think...
removed my post on second thought--this thread no longer seems to be for the exchange of info or education.
I don't see where anyone else suggested it, but avoid fabric softener when washing you towels. It leaves swirls. All the suggestions have been...
There's hope--6 months and no rattles or creaks on mine even now that colder weather is here.
I learned this early on in driving: brakes stop the wheels, the tires stop the car. If you have lost contact with the road surface, for whatever...
It's in the manual, and I have also seen the Camry video, so I agree it should work if you have the right phone. However, I've also seen the info...