Separate names with a comma.
Oh yeah. Under $34k. I'll take the tax credit next year. What I have found out over the years is very simply, the less I visit the dealers, the...
The 2001 Prius finally displayed the Triangle of Death...but was still drivable. So as planned response, I sold it to Carmax that day. Got $500...
A great many crop circles have the stalks bent by some technology that I don't understand. Do a little investigating and it will become clear...
Incorporate the EU taxation conversion factor. If it is $8/gal in the USA, it would be much higher in Europe.
Actually, there is a very viable solution. It's called > $10/gallon gas.
Because getting mice to talk for hours on a cell phone is hard. On a more realistic note, the problem is the time lag of many years between...
I doubt that the cumulative effect is going to be nothing at all. What I have learned is that there is not a level of exposure resulting in...
The Electric Me captured the core point. Autos are going to be around for a long time. The trouble is the legacy automakers may not be around...
I wish EMI testing was as easy as described as taking "the meter" out to the vehicle and getting "the value". It would be nice to replace the 252...
There is a point of diminishing returns with shorter charge times for cars. We may be there already in fact. I've noticed Tesla owners...
I cannot help but expect what Tesla comes up with to charge the really big vehicles on the drawing boards...Ludicrous chargers and Plaid Chargers?...
Just a quick note. Most of the irritation about FCVs is the Toyota/CARB effort to get the taxpayer to pay for all the H2 infrastructure while the...
Agree with that completely. Over 30,000 deaths/year are understood to be caused by driver error. The Tesla events are covered in the media since...
It is not just the term, it is the marketing of very powerful technology that needs regulation. At the end of the day, your auto insurance...
I design some aspects of aviation autopilot systems. So much is done wrong by both automakers and the government. So here are some of my...
Where is this thinking stated? If I'm going to think Musk is guilty of using the government as his bouncer, I want to make sure it if because of...
Sooner or later, utility scale storage needs to become a core factor. A whole lot of power balancing and increased efficiencies can take the...
Yes. What I remember on the followup was that a lot of wells in the area had enough methane coming up prior to any fracking to light on fire. So...
My favorite occurred when buying a 1988 Camry. The salesman popped the hood, pointed to the EGR valve and said "See how easy Toyota made it to...
Totally agree. There are a lot of other options (e.g. Free supercharging only x times over y duration at one location?). The part needing...