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If you live anywhere it snows - Oregon, Washington State, Washington DC, Virginia, New York, etc. - you know that a 2-wheel drive car is...
Verdicts like this make me salivate at the chance that a Google autonomous car runs over a pedestrian. Such a car should never get onto a...
Usually hybrids are very slow accelerating and not-fun rides for sports car enthusiasts. As Jay Leno said, "It's a different kind of fun." But for...
This just goes to show that GM doesn't know how to make a good hybrid. The Chevy Malibu Hybrid should have gotten 50 MPG just like the new Honda...
If you are a good driver, you do not need these extras.
I'm looking forward to the 2015 Prius Redesign, not small cosmetic changes like this.
[media] The 2015 Volkswagen Golf TDI is diesel powered fuel-sipping machine that according to VW will gets 47 MPG in the City and 65 MPG on the...
Yes, everyone can afford a $100,000 car along with the taxes, registration fees, insurance, etc. Cough!
Since Audi is part of Volkswagen, we can look forward to seeing these options in the similar but less expensive Volkswagen cars of the future.
In California, the legislature raised gas prices by 30 cents. This made diesel less expensive than gas.
Some drivers have lead feet, had acceleration, and fast drives, They will obviously drive the fuel economy down. The average Cruze Diesel driver...
Yes, the Cruze is more fun to drive than a hybrid. Acceleration - particularly in curves, mountains, and from 60-120 mph is much better. The...
The repair costs of a Volkswagen - a European car - is similar to that of other luxury automobiles. Thus if you like luxury, the repair cost is...
On, the average overall MPG for various hybrids are: Toyota Prius III Hatchback = 48 MPG Honda Civic Hybrid = 44 MPG. Toyota Prius V...
1. You are not parking your vehicle in a designated parking spot. Even if the fire department came by and were OK with the setup, did they make a...
A Volkswagen Passat TDI did 77.9 MPG while traveling 8122 miles crossing all 48 contiguous U.S. States over 17 days using only 6 Fuel-ups. And it...
Car Magazines are for enthusiasts. They like fast and powerful cars. Just look how they focus on sports cars and race cars. Obviously, the...
The average on Fuelly for a 3G Prius is 48.4 MPG. This is about right in between you and Consumer Reports. On Fuelly for the 2011 3G Prius: 14%...
Overall, it is a fair comparison by Consumer Reports. Their driving test is done on a real track, unlike the EPA's use of a dynanometer.