Separate names with a comma.
If you don't like it, vote with your feet. Make a better forum and I'm sure we'll flock to it.
Is the unit removable? Wondering how you'd access the MicroSD card if you needed to swap it out...
At least it wasn't the car -- I charged at home with my 110v home charger and got a full charge.
I thought that 3.0 kWh sounded appropriate, and consistent with all of my other charges. According to the admin page, it didn't show a drop in...
Ijust got the following notification from Chargepoint regading my 2014 PiP: Your vehicle has accepted 6.81 kWh of electricity and has been...
I drove a 2002 Camry for 12 years/180K and loved it. Comfortable ride, reliable, dependable and reliable (did I mention reliable?) in 12 years it...
I drove Rabbit Diesels back in the '80s and miss them -- 48-55 mpg, good range, accessory tanks available (fit into the spare tire space) and...
Those little tweeters look to be a pain in the *ss to get to. :(
Yep, screws right on. Same threads and everything.
eBay and Amazon have them. [MEDIA]
...oh, also - would prefer to spend no more than $100 a pair, if possible.
I've read through a couple of the threads here discussing 2 versus 4 ohm speakers, speaker wires, and some Infinity speakers that gave me serious...
Nope, they only charge for charge time. For the time being. That may change. :(
Hmmm. I've been tempted to move to the East Bay (part of the reason I bought the PiP was to get into the carpool lanes). Yet another reason to...
If you saw our parking lot and how full it gets, you'd appreciate the intangible benefit of using the front-row spaces to charge at work. :)
I've driven my PiP over Patchen pass in the Santa Cruz mountains (California) a couple of times, and it performs well (albeit a bit noisier than...
I just bought my PiP, and am watching my PG&E tiered rate energy bill to get a baseline. In March 2014, the first tier (cheapest rate) capped at...
I wouldn't worry about the stains. have it detailed; they'll remove any fogging from the headlight plastic, remove 'most any stains out of the...
$.27/hour at my work, but there's another perk - getting to park in the front row! :)
I'm at 38/36 now, was at 38/38 when I bought it. Seems the consensus was to run the back tires 2 psi lighter.