Separate names with a comma.
We're running late!!!
This is what I used for the rear: [MEDIA]
Now that you said that, I can't unsee it when I look at the pictures! :eek:
The sportier styling is what sold me on my 2017 Prius C Three! I second what @contravox stated about it being 2" taller, in general, as I've...
I second someone else's mention of Lamin-X. I installed the door cup films a week after I got my new Prius (C Three, but same basic principle on...
Hopefully this isn't that joke from a few months back where we have to place all our electronics in the microwave to block them from listening...
Thanks @Montgomery & @Raytheeagle for the links! Just RSVP'ed and hope to attend next Sunday!
01. Hawaiianbuilt / Rodney / 2 02. Burna J / Chris / 1 03. Gaspeed / Jason / 2 04. Orenji /Allan/ 2 05. Itzgr8t! Paulo /1 06. RyanEJ25 / Ryan / 1...
I've wondered this myself but I let my car dictate which mode makes sense rather than forcing the EV Mode. Also when I started driving my C Three,...
Where is said thread for Cerritos meet-up on the 25th? I'm interested! :)
Considered the Toyota IM, Hyundai Ioniq, Kia Niro as I was further down the funnel. Using the Costco Auto Program made it a breeze to decide!...
This is super helpful and I'm going to keep this handy now myself...Thank you for this!
Should they fail to fix your car to a higher standard, definitely leave them a negative Yelp review along with giving a call to Toyota Corporate...
Did your removal cause any scratches on the door edges that you know of? I had the dealer install them and they did a pretty crappy job and I...
So I got the OEM Door Edge Guards installed at the dealership but their installer did a super crappy job and installed them unevenly. Anyone know...
Anyone ever get the OEM Door Edge Guards? Had gotten them for free due to some sh!tty customer service but they installed them unevenly and I want...