Separate names with a comma.
Fox Lake Toyota, Fox Lake, IL ---- No Charge to do this
Sounds like a great trip
OK --- so in the mountains how does the P preform up and coming down do I use the B mode going down or not? Any hints here please
running around with windows down sunroof open .......................
Been pulling 63MPG in the suburbs of Chicago but today it was raining all day I know it hurts the traction was getting 54MPG only
Who has run a 1200 mile trip like Chicago to Disney World ?? How is it in the Mountains of KY and Tenn., avg trip MPG Going to this run in April
My dealer here is down to 1 Prius
I can run at 75mph on the Hwy in the Midwest with A/C on and still pull 50mpg but I'm in flatlander country
61.3 on screen but Real Math 59.32
is there a Midwest chapter or who wants to get together ??
My dealership north of Chicago always has 20 plus new prius on the lot but last Saturday I was watching the sales manger moving around all the...
MyPod Max - Teardrop Camper/Trailer - Little Guy OK this is the smallest camper that I found [IMG] Curb Weight 575#
Reg 87 is all you need, I get mine at Costco or Sams it works just fine
my fan runs if roof tilted or not...................... I dig it
I leave my AC off just make sure rear vent not blocked so air can go over battery
With the warmer weather in Chicago my Prius around town recording 63mpg per tank. Anyone else getting great numbers?
I'm in Chicago and this is my first winter, thinking about getting snow tires also
I would vote; 1st-Prius 2nd-Camry 3rd-civic 99th-C-max
I hate the reverse beeping on my Prius 4 since I have a long driveway. Talked to Service Dept. and they reprogramed it to only Beep Once when it...
Hey Bob, it should be in "B" going down a incline