Separate names with a comma.
Why ? Serious question. The entire outer shell of the laptop likely is plastic. That should effectively make it "double insulated". The body of...
The octane rating has NOTHING to do with the rate of fuel deterioration.
I thought that was true. But not having the 4 actuators make a noise when the key is turned might lead one to believe that it is not working....
And THIS post from you is a perfect example of that. :eek:
I am NOT questioning the facts of your experience. I AM questioning the conclusion that you have drawn.......and that you are advertising. That...
Yes. You now also have a DEAD 12 V battery.
NO. Put it in ECO and then try to make it use only the battery. If there is a button for "EV" mode, push that too. I have not been able to get...
LONG battery warranties are just a marketing gimmick.......and you seem to have bought into it. After their "free replacement" interval runs out,...
There likely are other outlets on that same GFI circuit. Sometimes MANY others. But GFI detectors are sensitive to "surges". In Florida in the...
Have you also considered what might happen if one cell group in one of the packs goes shorted or reversed...... And the other healthy pack tried...
Where exactly did you read that ? Seems to me like the first things to go would be the most highly volatile components. And loss of them might...
It's easy to throw around unsubstantiated claims. What "experts" exactly ? Using high quality synthetic oil ? In a vehicle where the engine runs...
It is not funny. It is because he is lazy and inconsiderate. Try the "ignore" function.
BINGO. :) I think somebody mentioned that earlier. :whistle:
FSD in a recent acronym that is not in general use. Please spell it out at least ONCE in a post where it is used. Thanks. (What IS it ??)
A wild guess that I think is invalid. It also has an engine that is slightly smaller. And I believe that it uses the battery somewhat less than...
Good post but this part is WAY off base. ALL of my C's.....4 about 50 MPG if driven conservatively. The Rav4 I rented last month was...
I absolutely agree with this. In fact, I would not consider ANY vehicle with that many miles to be a good gamble. Especially not a hybrid that...
Yes but not YOU personally. Given your admitted lack of knowledge here, I suggest that a shop visit would be in order. A fan drawing high...
Long shot here but............. You aren't in the habit of shifting to N when stopped or slowing down, are you ? The AC compressor runs off of...