Separate names with a comma.
OK fair enough. Further argument is certainly rather pointless. Just be SURE to let us know when one of your carefully calculated experiments...
It is not a theory. The details of how and when a battery eventually fails depends on a LOT of factors including the chemistry of how it was made...
I think this has been brought to your attention before.......maybe more than once by more than one person....... yet you choose to ignore it. ALL...
And I think that getting it connected will be a piece of cake. But then getting it to work as good or better than the original will be next to...
Carbon deposits on the TOP of valves are NOT anything to worry about or to mess with. The entire engine likely would be "destroyed" by a sodium...
TOTAL BS. You have no way of knowing that. It depends mostly on your starting point and that is totally unknown......even if the cells have been...
I am 77 years old.......and have NEVER bought a car "on time". When I was young, I bought "cheap" cars and kept them about 10 years. During the...
The timing of your button pushes might be important. On one of my vehicles, a prolonged push of the RES + button appears to do nothing because it...
I assume that this question refers to "full coverage" insurance.......since a policy without "collision" coverage likely would have much less of...
Where did you get it ? And where is it mounted......and how ??
Before you panic, find a different phone that you can borrow to test with. Phones get "updates" regularly, some even silently. I think the odds...
Some do and some don't. I usually ask to see a voltmeter reading before carrying one out of a store. An AGM that reads below 12.8 is probably not...
AND might contribute to premature loss of traction during a hard stop. Having your cold pressures set more than +2 from the recommendation is...
Indeed. And even then, it is impossible to know how long a "restored" cell will really perform well. So......buying used cells blindly is a...
I bet you could get an exact replacement from a Toyota dealer, maybe much easier and not a lot more expensive than ordering online. Also any auto...
NO place. Unless they are near to new anyway, used battery cells can NOT really be successfully reconditioned.........because there is no way to...
I think he first needs to check his rotors for rust. Mine does something similar to that if it sits out in the rain or high humidity for a couple...
SIGH. Different companies have slightly different ideas about how much "reserve" there is built into the gas gauge. And there might be about the...
What will it take to get you to STOP using that incorrect terminology ?? It does NOT "trickle charge". It does drop to the "float" voltage...
I don't consider that charger from Harbor Freight to be "decent". While Battery Tender is a good brand, 800 MA max. capacity isn't very...