Separate names with a comma.
If you don't have a 12 V battery charger that you can use permanently at your in-laws, purchase one (a fully automatic multi-stage charger with an...
As suggested in post #14, I'd also recommend buying the newest set of modules from one of the newer generations that have NiMH and then...
It is called IG-ON. If that is the case, there is something else going on as the pump should be running in IG-ON. Maybe your battery was too far...
Correct, ACC mode (aka AUX mode) requires one press of the power button with your foot off the brake. The inverter pump is not on in this mode....
This is not a thing on the Gen 2 as it does not have an EGR system.
Making assumptions is one of the biggest time wasters when trying to diagnose any (car) problem. Get one and watch some YouTube videos to learn...
Check both ends of the cable shown in post #4 are plugged in fully.
Here's a thread that reviews several scantool apps and devices for smartphone. Post 37 is a summary.
I can't imagine you would need to adapt anything to swap the smaller (S34B20R) battery in for the larger (S46B24R) one. It is the same height...
I don't know about that Elantra wheel but you must be able to pick these OEM spares for a dime a dozen from a wrecker. I can't think there would...
Editing a post can be done for some hours (less than 24 hours) from the time you post. After that, you can use the report button to request your...
You could look at Maxx Volts or Hybrid Automotive for ready-to-go chargers or build your own hybrid battery maintenance gear for under $100.
I just want to highlight a crucial piece of info given in post #9: Once the HV battery gets below ~210 V the battery is below ~40% SoC. I don't...
I made the assumption you partly disassembled the inverter to do the brake actuator/accumulator but if you didn't then double-check the service...
This code indicates the safety interlock switch – either at the inverter or HV battery Service Grip – is not installed correctly. You need to...
Your scanner is clearing the codes but they come right back as the problem still exists.
I'm not sure why it matters to you. Usually, oil is cheaper per litre, so it would be preferable to get the 4 L (or gallon (US) jug). FYI, you...
You can't really equate these two things as they are two separate functions. The former is really a clue as to why the key is not recognized when...
You may have cylinder misfires, but not enough to trigger a code, yet. Look at the misfire counts in your car live data if you have a good enough...
Have you checked each of the buttons on the fob is not sticking in the "down" position. Do you hear an active "click" on each button when you...