Separate names with a comma.
:ROFLMAO: How do you connect one of those things to your battery ? I must have missed the episode where they explain that. o_O
Maybe. But a higher octane rating is NOT and indication of "better" gas.
NO. Maybe someone else has the time to try and explain the difference. I don't. Maybe YOU should look up both terms and find out for yourself ???
Because it's the only game in to speak. YOUR post seems like a thinly veiled attempt at censorship. Not nice.
Are you the new owner/operator of ?? Unless and until we hear from that person or persons, I remain skeptical. If there really is a...
No it won't. Higher octane does NOT equate to more power in the gas; sometimes exactly the opposite. Your Prius is NOT a BMW or Lexus. It is...
Doesn't make any difference. All the evidence says that the "PC shop" is defunct......although the automated process to take your payment seems to...
Measured how exactly ? Unless the 91 you get does not have ethanol in it, that report is worthless bunk.
It might be interesting to note that the present real owner of is hidden behind a "privacy" company. This is the modern electronic...
It has been pretty obvious for a LONG time now that the original owner/operator has either lost interest OR is completely incompetent.......and...
Absolutely, totally wrong. You can "doubt" it all you want; that does not change the facts. Most or all of these batteries are AGM type and...
Yes it CAN and WILL......and that does not necessarily mean the battery is somehow bad. If you intend to leave ANYTHING that draws power connected...
No but it might be a symptom.......of something like worn or stuck rings on that cylinder causing it to "pump" a lot of oil. Then.....did you...
Here is post #42. Stop wasting our time with nonsense, please.
No stored fault codes usually means that there isn't a problem. What makes you think that there IS......or might be ?? The process of "checking"...
Post 43 in this thread was made by Bisco. Using the quote feature would help a LOT.
Yes BUT you don't need to obsess over it. It is possibly something simple that caused the initial "loose" cables on the battery...
Who ? And what exactly are you saying/asking ?? Yes, running any battery completely flat is generally not good. How bad it is depends on the...
Not specifically. But a low current voltage source IS part of the spec. In many cases, it IS charging the phone, just VERY slowly. As phones get...