Separate names with a comma.
Most vehicles do not. Cold weather does NOT accelerate battery discharge; quite the opposite. If you continue to leave that device connected, it...
From the report: "This case is unprecedented," she said. "Despite the large numbers of lead acid batteries in use worldwide, no other fatalities...
Overcharging is possible. But if your battery is in the engine bay, simple evaporation from heat will cause some loss. You have been lucky. Not...
Might be your only option. Another case of "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up." Good luck.
Not nearly often enough. It can be empty by then.....and damaged beyond repair.
Reference please. Without that it hardly qualifies as a fact.
Yes. A healthy battery will take less than .5 amps to maintain a charge once it is initially charged up. And it it TOTALLY unnecessary to...
YOU are making the mods. YOU are responsible for whatever that causes. Toyota is not responsible to take into consideration any and all mods that...
It has been discussed before and I don't believe it is possible without specialized programming tools......and inside knowledge of the code involved.
Give it a rest please. You have been arguing all kinds of incorrect information about AGM batteries without any mention that you are still...
What we think is not always right. NOW would be a good time to do that. (y)
I would check it monthly......until you get an idea how much loss there is. My guess: 6 months since you aren't in a really HOT climate. Even if...
BUT......he needs to verify the power SOURCE before digging into individual connectors and wire runs. I think it is highly likely that the brake...
But what does the voltage read when the problem occurs ?? Check at the actual battery posts and at the cable ends connected there (yes, those...
You can believe whatever you want but that doesn't change the facts. An AGM battery typically does not leak (much) even if the case has a...
That does not answer the question. "Production" may have decided to change the battery type without notifying the people writing the manuals....
I said no such thing. Are you off your meds lately ??
YOu don't need any kind of wiring diagram to check the main battery connections. Two of them (at least) are ON the battery posts; remove, clean...
Really ?? One with easily removable caps so that you can check and add water ?? I didn't think that ANY car came with a conventional battery anymore.
Incase some moron tries to charge it with a 48 volt charger.......just for instance. Or some other situation where the gas is produced faster...