Separate names with a comma.
Yes, it might be the same - although it's hard to tell from the audio files. My car really doesn't do it anymore, unless I'm really braking hard....
Couple of things to try: First, If this unit has been configured to "virtual tach", then during cranking, it looks at the 12V battery's cranking...
Error in Map change info: King County, Washington State: "Added new overpass at I-5 and NE 10th St in Bellevue" Unfortunately, I-5 does not...
Samsung Epic 4G Touch (Galaxy S II - Sprint) works fine.
Now I understand your username... ;)
I've jump started other cars twice, from the 12V Aux battery (not from the jump terminal under the hood.) No problems to report. While not...
Two main threads on this, first one is huge....
Nice write-up. Wish my sensor wire had been there too! Jayvee
Glad to be of help! That's interesting that you have the wire. Perhaps they decided the cost of (at least) two different harnesses from the...
There are posts for horn replacements too!:)
This has been extensively investigated, both in hardware and possible NAV software (which resides on and is loaded from the NAV DVD.). There is...
If you only say "Audio", the Nav audio has to be on to be "available". And if it is on, but set to anything other than AM, FM, SAT, or CD, it will...
SETUP > GENERAL > "Auto Screen Change" to "OFF" > Press "Save"
Prestigious Society » Navigation and Video Enhancement Module Or, you can build one yourself, if you're electronically inclined.......
Key words are "sensor sensitivity" and "returning". The maximum brightness to which it returns will be to whatever the dial by your left knee is set.
Just refreshing this old thread to see if anyone else is experiencing this...
I did my Gen III using 1/4" mesh galvanized hardware cloth, from the local hardware store or home depot, etc. and spray painted it black. You may...
1. All doors need to be closed before power on (manual page 69) 2. You have to perform the shift into neutral (and possibly the remaining steps)...
Do both your phone and your Prius have Bluetooth audio? (as opposed to hands-free phone use) If so, can you set it up (pair it) for Bluetooth...