Separate names with a comma.
Nimh batteries in turd gens are typically good for 10 years, then deterioration sets in. You’ll have to do the math then see if you can set 2-4...
Inspections won’t clean any build up after 25K. Hang out here long enough and you’ll see.
If you held the connections together when tape were removed and no static then it was a bad tape job so solder the connections then tape it up.
Nicely done. Wait, no oil catch can In stall?
With the info provided, most likely a Head gasket replacement is needed. Wait Long enough and you’ll have a busted rod thru the block in the...
Ah, another for the archives.
My back seats and bench are removed and the hv battery cools down faster that way with ac blasting. During winters, the hv battery temp drops...
You don’t need to, but when you get knocks at 100,000 miles, you wish you should have rotated your phone side ways on mendels signature at post #9.
Cost of new head gasket and use an entire day to repair? Or pull $15000 out of thin air for another vehicle? I say $15000 and junk it!!! Time...
It was my statement as the fact was taken from Michael Moore’s research and finding. I am the messenger and I come in peace.
One feller on here said his dad accidentally left his car on ready for about 5 hours and it reconditioned his hv battery. Said the hv battery...
You’re calling me a Luddite? Ha! Michael Moore “planet of the humans” is the information he provided in the documentary. I don’t make bold...
So the order is, clean up the engine, upgrade spark plugs then toss out the engine whrh new plugs in it? I was thinking, swap in engine, clean it...
Depends on your OCI and oil burning rate. I used redline and oci was 14,000 mi with the help of black stone oil lab’s guidance. Had about 40%...
If your cooler is gunked, the entire egr circuit has to be ungunked so it’s more than the cooler and pipe that will be cleaning. Initiation to...
The documentary “planet of the humans” would make you happy. For every solar panel plant that was built in the US, a coal plant was built near by...
User oil mismeasurement issue eh?
Best reply describing the permanent issue.