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2 years, 4 months, 1 day and 30 seconds left.
Plugs are to be changed at 120,000 miles. You deferred to save money? Auto rock sells authentic plugs for $40, I take that price over engine...
The tap fuse must cost an arm and leg, I don’t blame ya for wanting to put it into use then. Bye rear view view mirror power source.
I’m shocked people are still buying these money pit turd gen.
Some tapped into the rear view mirror years ago. It may not provide power to the camera anymore has modern cameras takes up more power / amperage.
I love to see the 400” sub, and the box got it!!!
This is were you wave the white flag and get a new head gasket plus a new battery. Saving gas cost a lot of money.
I don’t plan on replacing my vehicle by 2028 so I can wait. If I didn’t wait, id been a soother victim and towing the salty battery line.
No and no. Their trajectory for SSB is to be released in a few years, that’s their timeline.
Leak down test, if it passes, change parts. If it fails, leak stop in the radiator and hand the keys to carvana.
Drop the keys off to carvana while you still can.
The first day of buying my turd gen, the sks was turned off and stayed off.
I’ll wait for solid state battery by Toyota, it will have all the bells and whistles. By then, my turd gen will probably gave 400,000 miles and...
Extra curricular reading are the best!!!
That’s you agreeing with me and “failing” to do the update. I’m batting 1,000 so far.
This quote will be the longest in my archive.
Cliff notes version: Take battery to big chain auto shop, they’ll charge it and test it free. They ll give you a slip of battery condition. If...
Ah, you just admitted that all your cool engine upgrades underperforms a stock turd gen prius’ performance. I’ll still save more money replacing...