Separate names with a comma.
If you haven't already, best to balance the HV battery with gridcharger / dischager, either DIY or from a known retailer. Finally something that...
The text to speech thing is cool, though I've never used it before. How do you edit it in real time, or do you not look at the screen? Are there...
And @Likeawind , they are gone without closure o_O
Curious what makes 2004 tanks different?
Welcome to PriusChat!! Which OBD2 scanner/app are you using, as many are not hybrid compatible. Unless known to be clean, always best to clean...
Welcome to PriusChat!! @TMR-JWAP has tried out a bunch, and likes a particular one from Canada. Try doing an experiment with the 'advanced...
After disconnecting or replacing the 12v, clean the MAF and butterfly valve. Given the posted DTCs, you likely have built up water in the plug...
Here is a preinstalled version of techstream : Here is the...
Welcome to PriusChat!! There are digital copies posted in the forum, and some members will host or send them as well. The advanced search feature...
I believe that is the 12v state of charge. It appears you have DTC P0AA6 (HV isolation fault) among others, click the little...
(update: search is working again) It appears that the search feature isn't currently working for me (and likely others) : PriusChat - Error...
Yes, we're interested, and you can copy and paste the images in as well. Just post 2 more times to get out of the "mod box", after 8.5 years.
Love seeing updates from (you) those guys, of course I hope his son (?) is still in the mix, as he was so 'cool' compared to his "elder".
Welcome to PriusChat!! Is this an aftermarket alarm system, or could there be another sensor (door, etc) triggering? Doesn't exist (could be...
+1 above, balance the "pack" before your HV battery explodes, else inspect the HV ECU, and related HV battery wiring harness for corrosion.
Welcome to PriusChat!! Never heard that story (link?), but I'm not aware of that brand over here. Otherwise, a gasket is a gasket and they don't...
Welcome to PriusChat, and your english is near perfect (or AI, lol). Please realize that your existing OEM cat (my precious) may be worth around...
Though late in the game, posting any pics for the rest of us would've been great. The clip is build in, and non removable or easily damaged?
Welcome to PriusChat!! P0A90 has nine 'subcodes', these associated 3 digit subcodes (INFs) may help diagnose the vehicle without throwing parts...
Welcome to PriusChat!! You can buy aftermarket metal versions (pricey), or less expensive (flimsy plastic) aftermarket options (when compared to...