Separate names with a comma.
When you installed the rsb... Did you purchase the bushing kit as well??
What kind of tail lights are those?? They look damn nice!!
I keep going back and forth either tein or TRD springs. Which do u think will be more comfortable?road conditions in MN are kinda rough
Ho How do you like the TRD springs?
Thanks @granTORRESmo! Good info!! Gonna keep researching til I kno what I really want for springs. Gonna get the sway bar first for sure
Why did you switch from tanabe to tein??
Ok cool. Dm me if sale falls through. Thx
With 1.5" drop any camber issues??
Nice. What's the lowest you would go for these. Would need to ship. I'm in MN
Just wondering how long you had these on your car??
Thanks for the input guys. I want to stay OEM as much as possible. Does it matter if I get sway bar or the springs first??
How much are the rsr springs?
2" seems pretty low. I'm in MN so still thinking if I will drive during the winter. Just bought some blizzaks on CL tho if I want to
Thanks lucifer
Thx for the input Dylan! Found them on Decently priced by my findings. How low of an actual drop do you think the springs have you?
Hi all. Just got my Prius About a week ago and I'm loving it!... I was looking at the TRD sway bar and drop springs... Any feedback??
Can u explain how to do this.. . What is VHT spray can??
I'm looking for the same kit. Just got my Prius over the weekend. Saw the same website, but trying to find another price
New to Prius life!! Just got mine over the weekend. Had to get windows done right away! Love it!!
New here as well. Just got mine over the weekend. 2014 9k miles in white. Love the kit on yours!!!