Separate names with a comma.
There's a place called AutoBeYours that may have used MFDs in stock. I think they do repairs on them, as well
I've let some of the dandelions survive this year, intending to benefit bees, but I've seen none on them. The bumble bees love the California...
I've long admired Citroen, mostly for their quirkiness, but they're pretty rare here. A few old DS still running around, but none of the newer,...
There were. There are! When you're looking at the list of threads in Fred's, click on either 'replies' or 'views', and the list will be re-sorted...
Or in this case, devolves......
I think you're right, Cyber. I've noticed the same thing; perhaps over a longer time span. Back when it was just us greenies, everybody got along...
Another challenge for Toyota that I can think of is what to do with all those Prius owners they've convinced to embrace hybrids. Will they keep...
Ooooh. Silver. Good choice. ;)
I doubt traction on dry roads would be a problem, but it sure could be in the rain. Plus, the softer rubber of Winter compound tires is going to...
There you go, making things difficult for yourself by converting. Forget inches. Forget pounds. :)
I think it's easier not to convert - just toss out the old method and embrace the new one. Trying to keep two mostly-incompatible systems in your...
Yes, that 'glider incident' did happen in Canada. Over conversion confusion, so I'd say that's a point in favour of using one world wide standard...
Reverse is not an improvement. It's like mixing up the thousands, hundreds, and ones columns in a number, and then insisting it's OK, because,...
About that date seems odd to me that we don't treat the date as a number, and write the digits in the proper numerical order. YYYY...
I can picture CSI taking a detailed look at those seats. It's not a pretty picture, at any scale. ;)
Hopefully, the rental agency will be interested to hear how poorly their car was prepared, and how dissatisfied you are with their service. If...
There's no 'math' to have trouble with. It's two feet, cubed. Makes 8 cubic feet. :)
"I'm sorry, sir, did you 'square'? Most of the boxes we carry are three dimensional. Here's one that's two feet on each side. Will that do?" ;)
One fish, two fish.....I'm pretty sure Jim meant 'deer'. Typos happen. :)
Not to be confused with a weePri, which is a scale model Prius.