Separate names with a comma.
It’s only a concern if it has problems Largely depends on if it’s been driven regularly. With even 50k miles it could have been. I know many...
Looks like there were one or more involving shutdowns that required reprogramming. Software Problems of the 2004 Toyota Prius
The only one I remember from Toyota was accelerating not stopping.
Too late now. Dealer just scored twice.
Better call Saul.
Which software?
Did the fob ever get wet?
When an ancient serpentine belt fails
How many miles in ten years? The best part of using an EV for ex-Urban travel is that you have to plan ahead where you will have or even be able...
I’ve been in store and talked to them about it. They usually have one or two people who have been trained to do it for each store. They sell all...
No rotation since Costco does that for free for me, but yes, complete conventional oil, filter with tax. And they don’t overfill.
Oil change on Prius at the dealer costs me $32 so that’s not an issue. I’ve never had a problem with my Prius’s 0 to 60 mph time. The leather...
I don’t have leaks on mine but reading posts from people who do, I’ve wondered if using epoxy paint or rubber roofing tape in the channel where...
There’s always ACE Hardware for a few bucks more. What’s your time worth?
Get Dr Prius app, preferably the paid version, and look at the results.
And you lived to tell about it!
I liked your indecipherable posts better, they made more sense .
Not uncommon problem. You may want to call these guys. They could offer a diagnostic tip over the phone. Prius MFD Touchscreen Repair
A great article in today’s Wall Street Journal on the desirability of EVs Here’s a short excerpt I Rented an Electric Car for a Four-Day Road...