Separate names with a comma.
I have been watching and reading everything I can find about the Prime and the Ioniq plug-in. So many aspects of both cars are similar, while many...
Worse yet .... I understand the 2016/17 is lower. Still worse ... here in the mountain west, it rains so infrequently, the streets are deeply...
Sorry for the duplicate
john1701a - Your post is truly a remarkable example of "spin" ..... you must be a politician.
I do not like it and will vote my disapproval by not buying one.
bisco - I agree ..... too many rumors and not enough facts, but as I recall ..... the rumor was way back, was that management nixed the design...
Thanks kitmo .... After seeing your link, I now recall having seen that before. That is what I was hoping for .... it truly would have "knocked my...
Has anyone seen pictures of the original G4 design? I followed this thread hoping that someone would post a picture. I've suspicioned for the past...
Interesting thread with a lot of good comments. Personally, I do not like the design ... others do, and that is fine. One of several things I...
Pretty opinionated and hard on people that you do not know .... or have any idea whatsoever about their short and long-term plans..
I believe that Toyota says you can go 10,000 miles. I take the car to the dealer to change the oil and ask them to indicate 7,500 miles on the...
Not many contributors will "help [you] with the decision." But you are doing the right thing in asking for opinions, and driving examples. I...
I have not recently read all of the post on this thread ....... has the question been answered about the long term impact on rapid charging? I...
All good points. I have nothing to contribute to that aspect of the discussion. OTOH, I suspect that Toyota is going to find they put their money...
A short story: I work with a man that owns a new G4 Prius. I asked him about his early opinion .... he said he likes the car and he achieves...
Thank you bisco .... you always have a reasonable reply. I know I somewhat mixed thoughts from different concerns .... in truth .... I'm...
trollbait - I'm back with another question .... I told you that you are my go-to source with questions. I'm really on the fence about lithium...
I'm struggling with the concept of the "target market." Isn't there such as thing as the "base." In politics they are always talking about and...
john1701a - I'd need to check, but I think you have thrown out this "you are not the intended target" before. Just who do you think IS .... the...