Separate names with a comma.
To help start narrowing it down ... does it happen in EV mode, or only when the engine is running? Reverse as well as forward? Confirming your...
There is a LOT of missing / ambiguous / doubtful info in here that makes it hard for people to understand what is going on. I'd recommend the best...
If you just say to put the "engine at TDC," that very consistently and undoubtedly means that the piston in the #1 cylinder is at its highest...
True in general. But in this case, considering the size (capacity, mass, however you want to measure that) of the 18V drill battery vs. the 12V...
Probably the "camshaft bearing cap." Sounds like it should work. When I need to keep a chain in the right spot on a sprocket, I try to use zip...
I may be wrong, but I believe the 12V outlet in these cars turns off when the car is turned off. And if the 12V battery is dead enough, the outlet...
How many miles were on those old plugs, and where did you get them? Any chance they were fake? These Denso Iridium SC20HR11 are "double" Iridium...
Here's a theory on what went wrong: WP failure ==> overheating the head ==> failure of an already weak head gasket. When you would drive...
I recently removed my PCV valve on my 2012, and it surely did take a 22mm deep socket. Close enough to 7/8" in case you don't have a 22mm deep. An...
General comments: Whenever you see a spec like that for something like this, the word "standard" means the nominal thickness when new. Not the...
Sorry to hear that, but not really surprised, as I said earlier. And I fault the voters and public officials out here for their position on crime,...
I really hope this guy will get some justice. The cops don't need to catch him in the act for anything on this current scam, although of course...
I don't have a plug-in, but here's a general idea to consider ... Are you using that 240V outlet for anything else? Ever? If not, you might...
Thanks for explaining it all here. I also had noticed that there must be some interesting "convention" (LOL) being applied here with the specs,...
On the Johnson Controls vs. Exide vs. Penn ... Johnson Controls sold their battery division last year, so don't be surprised if you see it called...
Yes, I was happy to find a nearby, well hidden, and very solid location there. Also completely reversible without a trace if I ever need to do...
I recently did the intake manifold / EGR cleaning and OCC install. I wanted to keep the OCC hidden, and found a good mounting location using the...
Yes, that would make sense. Quick deciphering of the VIN there: The # in digit 9 is a check digit - does not mean anything other than to confirm...
Great story. I guess one thing leads to another ... I think the following is related to your quote here ^. I just finished doing the EGR system...
Real question here, not kidding, hoping to learn something, let me know what is wrong in here ... My understanding is that the only reason the...