Separate names with a comma.
Get techstream, and a laptop if necessary, build a grid charger, get a smart charger for the 12V bat. All cheap and quick.
Sometimes you just gotta take what you can get- paraphrasing Bruce Springsteen congrats on getting a car that runs!! How cheap was it?
212 should be ok, although its marginal in my experience with neglected cars. In your shoes I would charge up both. And you might find there is...
build yourself a grid charger. its easy and cheap. you don't need to remove the HV bat to charge it with a grid charger. Just be careful.
Your HV bat might be low. It’s pretty easy to access the terminals to check - look up installing a grid charger. If the HV bat is low, say below...
He does? I disconnect my 12 v every single time I park, even if it’s to go to the beach or store.
With mine with this problem I just drive like normal - fast speeds, AC if I want. Usually its fine for 200-500 mile trips. Maybe I have to stop...
Shade tree amateur here. I do this: Make a mark with permanent marker midway between the full and low indicators. Order pink Zerex 50/50 from...
Just get a charger and use it
That works a tad better in a buyers market. Right now you have to keep your nice guy face on if you really want this car.
Congrats on outlasting the jerk and refusing any add ons. As “preflight checks” today I suggest you check the manual opening of doors and seat...
Hi Kiva, Since you possibly posted on here looking for opinions before making your own decision(s), here is mine. I would find a way to keep both...
What is your HV battery voltage now? If it gets too low it will not start the ICE
Steve, it may be a simplistic point but any time you disconnect the 12 v bat, to get the car to start you have to push the power on button like...
Hi Doug, I have, along with many others, the exact problem you describe. The only reliable way to diagnose these highly complex computerized...
congratulations on finding a good, honest Prius mechanic. You might ask him if he’s care to have you give his name and business name here....
I recommend you call Electron Automotive in Orange. They were very willing and able to help me. Be direct and honest. Say you want a brand new...
You might want to build yourself a grid charger - quick easy and cheap - to avoid having your HV bat voltage go too low to start the ICE
Yes, get a knock off Techstream. With a little effort they work great. I got mine by searching VCI mini cables on eBay and Amazon. Some people...
If you don’t mind stopping then take whichever you like driving most. You solicited opinions so I gave you mine. Again, cool nice cars. Have a...