Separate names with a comma.
live, love, laugh
I resemble that remark... :eyebrows:
Oh definitely... and proud of it too! The next poster feels like frosty the snowman today.
silly wabbit
I am yes. I'm looking out the office window, watching rain drops trickle down... zzzzzzzzzz... The next poster is waiting for the inevitable...
battery powered
yes... and quite spectacular
Tiger's fantasy life
and perhaps more meat
I'm sorry... but if a man came up to me in a bar and used that line, I would have to reply... "Definitely and with pleasure, but you'll never find...
On-line dating can be fun if you go into it with an open mind and are not expecting every person you meet to be "the one." I did quite a bit of...
sorta like Old Faithful?
Hey hyo... you gots some good chompers there! The next poster knows someone named Bob.
You married Sam?!!!!!!!! ;)
No I haven't. I hear she's into oil though. The next poster is finally here again and wonders where everyone else is!
Love'em and leave'em kind
Which is better... a good/bad girl or a bad/good girl?
thumb sucking again?
It's not morning any longer, but the afternoon so far is calm. The next poster would like to play some reindeer games.
and why NOT?