Separate names with a comma.
You might consider having your OEM rims powder coated. It sould cost less than $1K for stripping of factory finish, custom color base coat to...
Hey-la-day-la! Bob Wilson's Back! [media] He went away and you hung around And bothered me, every night And when I wouldn't go out with you...
RE: Member List There doesn't appear to be a way to jump to a much higher page than what you're on-- anything higher than the 2 or 3 page-number...
For reasons that are beyond my comprehension, this issue has always fascinated me. Maybe it's because I never had to deal with it, "up close and...
Driving on public roadways is a privilege, not a fundamental right. Restriction of individual freedoms are already reflected in public safety laws...
I am in favor of banning cell phone use in moving vehicles. It should be handled like incapacitation from alcohol or other inebriates. (FWIW,...
I can't see where either the CR mileage numbers or 1/4 mile times are relevant to how "good" (every person's definition of good will differ) the...
Was Mr. Trololo the ventriloquist?
Bob, Hope you are well. Hope your short post is but one of many more to come... There's been a serious dearth of graphs in your absence. :D
Wouldn't the Fed's spending on the Hoover Dam and the Tennessee Valley Authority qualify as "investments?" Hoover Dam--It Will Be Paid Off in...
Would the regen-energy recovered picture change significantly if cyberprius had an EV mode switch? The sequence of events would be: Put the car...
This mod really sounds interesting. While it's not a necessity... anything that coddles the HV battery can't be bad... can it? I don't have a...
I understand and empathize with the desire to individualize/personalize a car. However, I am ardently, unabashedly, unanimously old-school when...
+1 on what has been said thus far. Plus, * check tire pressure. Use 42Front/40 rear for improved MPGs * For possible weak 12V battery,...
Going uphill is the painful part of hypermiling. The best that you can do is find the most efficient way to accomplish the job at hand. My...
Some folks are already thinking about charging on the go: :cheer2: [img] More: Stanford researchers design magnetic highway for wireless EV...
daniel, You are correct, my range reduction/prediction numbers come from monitoring comments at, so they're based on a...
Another take on the cost of commuting, this time from a $$$ perspective. For each mile you drive across two times on your round trip to work...
Michgal007, I think ;) the car is weird, but I get many comments like, "It doesn't look like any other car I've ever seen. Gee, it's cute!" Many...
By reason of its having but three wheels in contact with the ground, Aptera always was a motorcycle for purposes of safety regulation. There...