Separate names with a comma.
Be careful when selecting your package# , you don't get a security alarm until package#5 and the prius is one car I wouldn't want to try to add a...
I was surfing the net and found DIY info for installing the clear bra. I also found a post in "mods" section, I think it would be...
DIY help on installing the clear bra Here are good pictures installing the clear...
You need to read from the beginning of this thread. No, it is not easy to install.
If you take a piece of scotchtape put it on the hood of your car you will have a clear bra. the clear bra will look just like the scotchtape only...
I am not an expert on this , but I think the "in-service-date" is when a person buys the car from the dealer and registers it. so if a dealer...
I am pretty sure the 05's bought new in jan 06 will still qualify for the tax credit, so the dealers won't have any problem selling them for the...
Here is the japan web site page translated. 2005/11/01 TOYOTA, pre- mortar minor change The TOYOTA changed the pre- mortar minor,...
The clear bra delux that I bought on ebay had a hole cut where the emblem is on the hood. I did not have to remove and reapply the emblem. It...
This is similar to what happend to me except instead of ripping it off and throwing it away I just took a small sissor and cut a wedge shape out...
I found this info on a device that allows you to add daytime running lights to the prius , with no wire cutting. has anyone used this device ? in...
I keep a book with milage and fillups, and also record oil changes and other maintenance stuff done. I will use it to prove to toyota that the...
Is it true that Europeans don't use deoderant ? If it is, why don't they? Thanks for your input
I totally agree, and drum brakes in the rear give a car much better parking brake system.
The $3200.00 tax credit for 2006 is a deal you will never see again. You can read all the posts of prius owners that they couldn't be happier with...
This story is actually funny, the author compares the prius to a diesel that gets 27MPG and he thinks that is great !! Read it if you need a...
I found this on yahoo forum prius-2G It is a story I never read before and thought I would bring it to this forum to kick it around. Anybody have...
Yes I bought it from chipgardman. You will also need the tools 2 spray bottles to mix 1bottle johnsons baby shanpoo&water and 1 bottle alcohal...
I bought a 3M clear bra on ebay (search prius clear bra) Paid $160.00 it comes with a dvd instructions 30min video. I installed it in about 2 hrs....
a magazine called home power in the internet is offering a free down load of this months issue. It is mostly solar power stuff but there is also a...