Separate names with a comma.
Awesome write-up! - be prepared to get slammed with the info requests, lol Great job! EVO ? 2
I will vouche for rrg as being a stand-up guy and willing to work through a methodical approach to develop something of value to PC members. He...
And I can cut you two duplicate laser keys via mail. Is this a great forum or what :-D EVO ? 2
On a Gen3, if you find a new, unregistered fob, Chazz is correct - TS and a Mongoose (or some Chicom clones) will add it with no problems. To use...
I will whenever some "mfckr" tries to sell me $100 ride up a ten foot hill. Safe trips EVO ? 2
I believe in principle. I had the cash, I put it where my mouth was ;) Break even, who knows... it wasn't a consideration at the time. I learned...
Well, originating a key from code is one thing, duplicating a key from an existing one is an entirely different animal. I bought a Silca Matrix S...
No problem. I would suggest calling around - both locksmiths & hardware stores. There are reports of Walmart having high security cutters. Just be...
All other things being correct, be aware that there can be a dimensional difference between different manufacturer's batteries. I have a Miller...
Techstream will do it. You're dealer should know that. EVO ? 2
OldDean, sorry I could not respond earlier. I am actually set-up to duplicate Gen3 Prius keys. My Silca Matrix S can cut any number of laser...
My pleasure and thank you. Once you delve into it, you find the $100 key is totally unrealistic. Sure, the machine is expensive, but it doesn't...
This is the best solution for a few logical reasons.
Better yet, realize the hassle now and deal with it on your terms, rather than the dealers' :)
Ditto. I bought a Mangoose cable (chinese clone of the real Mongoose) to see what feature set it had. For $60ish, it has a respectable utility in...
Odds are they wouldn't use the chicken dance procedure. They would plug the OBD cable into the port, click a few times on the diagnostic screen...
I don't have a NY recommendation, but you need some info. "key" is the mechanical "emergency key" that is stored inside the fob. It only unlocks...
Don't feel bad. It took me several months of reading (and questioning those that I thought knew more) before I could plunge into it with some...
I would email them and ask specifically, "Is this particular fob brand new, having never been married to a vehicle... will you accept the return...
Providing that the fob is new (never married to a car), a silver-back logo, and you have SKS... Yes :D In any event, even if you get a...